Ordering Information (Use this order form or simply write to the author at the address below.): VOICES OF THE ROCKS: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations by Robert M. Schoch, with Robert Aquinas McNally. Harmony (Crown Publishing Group / Random House). Hardcover. 1999. ISBN 0-609-60369-8. xiv plus 258 pages and 27 photographs. List price US$25.00 [$35.00 in Canada]. Order directly from the author! Number of Copies Price Per Copy ______________ X $25.00 = ________________ Massachusetts residents only: Please add 5% sales tax = ________________ Shipping & Handling within the U.S. or Canada = $3.00 (Note that the shipping and handling is $3.00 per order, not per book. If you are outside the United States or Canada, please inquire about shipping costs for the book.) Total = ________________ Would you like your copy or copies signed by the author? Yes_____ No_____ Address to which the book(s) should be sent: Name: __________________________ Phone (optional): Address: __________________________ ____________________ __________________________ E-mail address (optional): __________________________ _____________________ Please enclose check or money order payable to Robert M. Schoch and mail to: Robert M. Schoch College of General Studies Boston University 871 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 0225 U.S.A. |